Heavenly Foods

Heavy metal chelation

For conditions like mercury fillings, chemtrails, general pollution, food chemicals, chemical sprays.

Humic acid

Humic acid is nature’s chelator. It plays a vital role in the bioavailability of nutrients and the ushering out of harmful toxins.Humic Acid maintains a physical structure that forms multiple little gaps into which it gathers other materials.  It can bind, chelate, with such elements as minerals and heavy metals and move them within or out of the body.  Humic acid is highly stable and is not absorbed into cells, it only delivers minerals and nutrients to the cells.Humic Acid can differentiate between nutrients and toxins.  It works with other mineral groups ushering out the poisonous elements while enabling the helpful minerals to do their work.  Through this intelligent chelating power, humic acid has a positive influence on the bioavailability of nutrients. It is one of the only colloidal mineral groups that does this inside a living organism.

Sayagi U Shein Gold Ash Powder

Gold Ash Powder is a special remedy developed and produced by Sayagi U Shein. The composition and exact process of the production was given to him from his Devas of the spiritual world. Six different metals, gold, silver, mercury, copper and zinc are going to be melted several times. During each melting course the slag will be removed. This procedure lasts at least one month and each metal will be melted up to 108 times before it is considered absolutely pure in an alchemistic sense. Then the metals are melted and mixed up and then filled in a glazed clay pot, together with crushed apples, pineapples, peeled oranges, grapes and honey. This mixture will be alternately (for twenty years!) digged in for one year and then digged up for one year.The regular intake of this medicine guarantees a considerable raise of physical well-being and strengthens the entire organism and immune system, which means the four elementary energies, water energy,  air energy,  earth energy, and fire energy  . Superfluous and harmful energies or substances and slag will be dissolved by GAP and are discharged over the intestinal system.
Side effects or overdoses are not possible – comparable with the use of homeopathic medicines. GAP has the property to readjust the unwanted consequences caused by unbalance of the elementary energies in the body, it is able to dissolve food poisons and slag out of the body, it relaxes the exhausted nerve system and is capable to dissolve cholesterol clotting and other substances in veins and arteries. It also heals diseases of the lungs, liver, heart, kidney, digestive organs and the urinary organs. The medicine is capable to neutralize poisons and acids and furthermore it can strengthen and vitalize the bones, muscles, sinews and marrows, and also intensifies  visual power.

Activated charcoal

This activated charcoal from bamboo







French Bentonite clay


Freeze dried cilantro


Detoxified iodine




Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda

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